Virtual School Internship Program in Teacher Education Institutions during COVID -19 Pandemic Periods: Problems, Issues and Challenges

Dr. Srutirupa Panda

Virtual School Internship Program in Teacher Education Institutions during COVID -19 Pandemic Periods: Problems, Issues and Challenges

Keywords : Virtual School Internship, Teacher Education, Problems, Issues, Challenges.


Internship is a significant and compulsory part of teacher education system. However due to COVID 19 pandemic condition, real school-based internship for B.Ed. course could not be organized since last two years in colleges of teacher education of Odisha as schools were closed and permission for internship organization was not possible at that time. Teacher education institutions have organized simulation-based internship programme during the pandemic and started planning about virtual mode of school-based B.Ed. internship organization. Virtual internship programme refers to technologically assisted distance teaching by trainee teachers for school students. The main purpose of the study was to identify problems, issues and challenges perceived by student teachers and secondary teacher educators on organization of virtual internship programme. Descriptive survey method was followed to conduct the study. About 80 B.Ed. students and 20 secondary teacher educators constitute the sample of the study. Two structured interview schedules were implemented to collect data from trainee B.Ed. students and secondary teacher educators of Utkal University, Odisha. Data was analyzed quantitatively. It was explored that maximum percentage of B.Ed. students (30%) have perceived lack of real classroom experience as the major problem for organizing virtual internship programme. Similarly maximum percentage (30%) of secondary teacher educators perceived Need of Technologically supported Learning Management System as the biggest issue that should be considered by teacher education institution. In addition to this maximum percentage of teacher educators have perceived (25%) techno-pedagogical skill-based training for teachers, teacher educators and secondary teachers as the main challenge to implement virtual internship programme in secondary teacher education programme. It is suggested that relevant learning management system software development, training programmes on techno-pedagogical skill must be implemented for prospective teachers, teachers and teacher educators in order to achieve success for school based Virtual Internship Programme for two-year B.Ed. course.


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