The Importance of Strategy in the Management of Social Organizations: a study in the District of Vila Real

Susana MSR Fonseca

The Importance of Strategy in the Management of Social Organizations: a study in the District of Vila Real

Keywords : Strategic Management, Social Organizations, Sustainability


This paper studied the importance of strategy for the management of social organizations, to ensure their sustainability. This study focuses on the strategic planning process of the manager, analyzing the management methods adopted and how they are applied in social organizations. Its development is supported by a theoretical framework related to the evolution of the third sector in Portugal, strategic management, and sustainability of social organizations.
Data collection was carried out through the application of a questionnaire to all social organizations in the district of Vila Real. The target population comprised 140 organizations, and after a 3-month period of analysis 47 responses were validated.
The results obtained allowed us to confirm and prove some of the theories presented in the theoretical framework. In addition, it was possible to verify that most of the organizations investigated have a strategic plan, but only use basic strategic tools. This study also shows that strategic management provides several tools that can improve the functioning and sustainability of social organizations. However, these organizations remain very focused on state support, which makes them financially dependent on state rules and financing.


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