The Effect of Workplace Environment on Employee Performance in Selected Microfinance Institutions in Bambili, Cameroon

Wandiba Augustine

The Effect of Workplace Environment on Employee Performance in Selected Microfinance Institutions in Bambili, Cameroon

Keywords : Workplace Environment, Employee Performance, Microfinance Institutions, Cameroon


This study examined the effect of work environment on employee performance in selected Microfinance Institutions in Bambili, Cameroon. It was limited to 143 technical employees of microfinance institutions in Bambili, Cameroon selected using simple random and purposive sampling techniques. It adopted a cross-sectional design in generating the required primary data. The findings indicated that; training and development significantly affect employee performance in Micro-Finance Institutions in Bambili, Cameroon. The researchers concluded that; training and development enables employees to progress from a present state of understanding and capability to a future state in which higher level skills, knowledge and competencies are required. We recommend that; Micro-Finance Institutions should develop good training plans and this will help to cater for issues surrounding quality of services, contract compliance and customer service issues can be resolved internally before going out. The main contribution of this study is the revelation that among the strategies to create a better working environment which can increase employee performance in Micro-Finance Institutions, is training and developing employee capacities in interpersonal relationship plus provision of working equipment.


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