Effect of Total Communication-Based Learning Video on Deaf Receptive Skills Improvement
- Author Situr Kuswantoro
- Co-Author Mustaji, Siti Masitoh, Fajar Arianto
- DOI http://wwj
- Country : Indonesia
- Subject : Education Technology Study Program
One of the obstacles for deaf students in the learning process in high school is understanding the material. This study was to determine the effect of total communication-based comic-based learning videos for deaf students in high school. The use of total communication in learning videos to draw comics can make it easier to understand each vocabulary in the delivery of the material and provide benefits for students with special needs for hearing impairment. Video learning with scenario scripts with the theme Let's Draw Comics was implemented in three high school cities, namely Surabaya, Sidoarjo, and Gresik. Post-tests and pre-tests were conducted to determine the effectiveness of learning videos in improving receptive skills. The effectiveness of this learning video is calculated by normality gain (N-gain). In this study, the effectiveness of the video is 0,4543, it shows the average value with the description that the communication-based comic learning video is total, effective.
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