Socio- Economic Condition of The Respondents and Malnutrition; -A Case Study of Nandurbar District Maharashtra.
- Author Deore C.R.
- DOI http://wwj
- Country : India
- Subject :
Food security is often defined as access by all people at all times to sufficient food required for a healthy and active life. It is now widely accepted that most of the under nutrition in developing countries is due to inadequate intake of both protein and energy. Alternatively, food Security means the physical availability of food at market or community level, accessibility at household level and affordability at quantity consistent with an active and healthy life. “Hunger and malnutrition are unacceptable in a World that has both the knowledge and the resources to end this human catastrophe” and recognized that access to nutritionally adequate and safe food is a right to each individual. The world conference of Human Rights emphasized the need to ensure that everyone enjoyed a right to food. It was argued that the most of the rural and urban population do not have enough purchasing power to meet their calorie norms.
Child under nutrition has enormous consequences for child and adult morbidity and mortality. In addition, under nutrition reduces productivity, so that a failure to combating malnutrition effectively diminishes the potential for economic growth. Poverty is often stated to be the very root cause of malnutrition.
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