Judiciary chronology in capital punishment: A descriptive analysis in the context of Odisha

Jyoti Ranjan Samantray

Judiciary chronology in capital punishment: A descriptive analysis in the context of Odisha

Keywords : Capital punishment, death penalty, legal systems


The death penalty, also known as the capital punishment, intentionally executes an individual in response to actual or alleged misconduct in accordance with an approved and regulated process for determining that the individual is responsible for a violation of the norm. It is an institutionalized punishment that includes execution. Disciplinary executions have traditionally been carried out by different powers against different crimes, without applying political or religious beliefs or activities, unmanageable status, and meaningful guarantees of due process. It has been done. Execution as a form of punishment has been carried out by mobs, gangsters, or terrorist organizations. However, the debate over the death penalty as an institutionalized statutory practice of modern government of the present time is going on. Here in the study an attempt has been made to focus the judiciary chronology of capital punishment in Odisha.


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