Optionally Omitting the Subject in Nominal Sentences: II

Khaled Igbaria

Optionally Omitting the Subject in Nominal Sentences: II

Keywords : Nominal subject, optional omission, Arabic nominal sentence, Abd al-Qāhir al-Jurjānī, Ibn Jennī


This paper is a continuous of my previous article [1]. Thus, it comes to complete investigating the chronological sequence to show the development of the theory of optional omitting the subject in Arabic nominal sentences. Consequently, this article starts with Ibn Jennī ends with Ibn Asfūr, trying to shed light the areas of innovation and the nature of progress in each stage and the other, taking into account grammarians who represent the successive stages of the development of Arabic grammar in general. Moreover, this article maintains partially the chronological sequence of these grammarians to describe and discuss the historical development in the theory of the optional omission of the subject.


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