Comparative anti-inflammatory effect of methanolic extract of Tamarindus Indica seeds and Indomethacin on rats

Nadia Rahman

Comparative anti-inflammatory effect of methanolic extract of Tamarindus Indica seeds and Indomethacin on rats

Keywords : Anti-inflammatory effect, Tamarindus indica seeds, Indomethacin


Anti-inflammatory drugs exhibit adverse effects due to chronic use in inflammatory conditions. Drugs from herbal sources may provide a safe alternate option. The aim of this study was to evaluate anti-inflammatory effect of Methanolic extract of Tamarindus indica seeds on experimental rats. This experimental study was carried out in Department of Pharmacology, Dhaka Medical College, Bangladesh, from July 2015 to June 2016. Fifty-six long Evan Norwegian rats of either sex, weighing 150 to 200gm, were included in this study. The study was divided into two parts, each with 28 animals. Anti-inflammatory activity of Methanolic extract of T.indica seeds were assessed in carrageenan induced paw edema and cotton pellet induced granuloma model in rats, then compared with Indomethacin. Mean increase in anteroposterior diameter in group II (2.11±0.02mm) was statistically significant (P<0.05) compared to control group I (3.45±0.04mm). Group III (1.70±0.01mm) and standard drug group IV (1.53±0.03mm) showed highly significant finding (P<0.001). Maximum percentage inhibition of edema formation was in group III (50.72%) and group II (41.74%), but lesser than group IV (55.65%). Mean increase in cotton pellet weight in Group II (28.59±0.36) and Group III (23.74±0.56) was statistically significant (P<0.05) compared to group I. Group IV showed highly significant (P<0.001) increase. Group III (54.54%) showed higher percentage of inhibition of granuloma formation than Group II (45.25%), when compared with group I, this was lesser than Group IV (62.05%). Methanolic extract of Tamarindus indica seeds of 300mg/kg body weight and 600mg/kg body weight orally produced significant reduction in paw thickness in carrageenan induced acute inflammation and cotton pellet induced chronic inflammation. The presence of tannins and flavonoids in Methanolic extract of Tamarindus Indica appears to inhibit prostaglandin synthesis and exerts the anti-inflammatory effects.


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