Effects of Unemployment on Mental Health Among Youth in Tilottama Municipality of Rupandehi District

Sumitra Koirala

Effects of Unemployment on Mental Health Among Youth in Tilottama Municipality of Rupandehi District

Keywords : Unemployment, Youth, Stress, Anxiety


Background: Unemployment research over the past decades has shown quite convincingly that unemployment leads to psychological distress and that re-employment improves mental health. Aims: The aim of this study was to identify the effects of unemployment on mental health among youths in Tilottama municipality of Rupandehi district. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study with 120 sample size among the unemployed youth was carried out in Tilottama municipality of Rupandehi district, Nepal. A pretested semi structured interview questionnaire was used to collect the data. The collected data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics. Results: The findings revealed that, almost all of the respondents had heard about mental health. The major effects experienced by the respondents were nearly half of the respondents 51(42.5%) think themselves as a worthless person. Majority of the respondents 72(60%) were not able to enjoy their day-to-day activities, nearly 1/5th of the respondents 13(10.8%) had anxiety disorder diagnosed by the doctor after being unemployed. Nearly half of the respondents 61(50.8%) were not capable of making decisions. Nearly more than half the respondents 69(57.5%) were not feeling happy. Conclusions: The results of this study concluded that the major effects experienced by the respondents were felling unhappy, felt as worthless person, not capable of making decision, felt down or depressed, trouble in sleeping and had little interest in things.


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