Various Useful Available Forms of Carbon Material and their Applications
- Author Hariom Dwivedi
- DOI https://ww
- Country : India
- Subject : Physics
Carbon material provides a large range of properties suitable for different kind of applications useful in several fields which are directly influencing our life and making ease in our life. A large range of products made using carbon material have been developed by modifying the properties of material and using different forms of carbon material. As the material behaviour can change upon surrounding exposure, therefore the effect of surrounding radiation and change in properties of the material are also interesting to investigate. Most of the research and development work in the field of carbon technology has been carried out in United States of America, Germany, France and England. Considering attractive properties of carbon material, India, China and Korea also have started working in the field of carbon technology. But society can only be benefitted by these products developed so far, if the industries are established to produce cost effective carbon material products. Present paper deals with the study of various forms of carbon material and their applications.
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