Keywords : Flexibility exercises, Muscle energy techniques, Step Length, Cadence, Gait Pattern and Parkinson Disease.
Background: Parkinson ’s Disease (PD) is a common chronic neurodegenerative disease affecting 1% of the population over60 years of age with incidence and prevalence 1.5 to 2.0 times higher in men than in women. Mobility and gait limitations are major issues for people with PD and these clinical characteristics affect their daily life activities and participation in society. Several studies have been carried out to understand the relationship between mobility, gait limitations and HRQoL with mixed results. Aims and objectives of the study: To observe and analyse the effect of flexibility exercises with muscle energy techniques to improve the gait in Parkinson patients. Data Analysis and Results: This study shows that the pre and post mean values of average step length were 13.75 cm and 18 cm. Results of non-significant P value was P <0.05 and also pre and post intervention of cadence were 45.65 / min and 55.45/ min. Results of significance P value was P<0.05. Conclusion: It was concluded that flexibility exercises along with muscle energy technique shall have statistically significant improvement on cadence and not in step length and overall gait pattern in Parkinson patients was improved significantly.
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