Correlation Between BMI & Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Developmental Co-Ordination Disorder Children – An Observational Study
- Author A. Jenifer
- Co-Author M. Premkumar
- DOI http://wwj
- Country : India
- Subject : Physiotherapist
Background: In recent years, a growing issue of interest has been the physical health of children with DCD. In light of the increasing prevalence of hypo activity and cardiovascular disease risk factors observed in children and adolescents, those with compromised motor proficiency may experience additional challenges engaging in physical activity. In fact, research exploring the fitness and physical activity patterns of children with poor motor proficiency has provided a rather alarming risk profile for cardiovascular disease, due to higher percentage of body fat, decreased aerobic capacity, and generally decreased participation in physical activity. Aims & objective of the study: To observe and analyze the correlation between BMI and Cardiorespiratory Fitness in developmental co-ordination disorder children using physical activity. Data Analysis and Results: This study results shows that there is statistically significant improvement in the variables of Heart Rate (HR), Oxygen Saturation (SPO2), Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP), Rate pressure product (RPP) in developmental coordination disorder children with p values p<0.05. Conclusion: From this study results it is concluded that Physical Activity is used to assess the BMI, Cardio respiratory fitness for developmental coordination disorder children. As a whole Physical Activity was improving the strength of DCD children in their various day to day activities has been proved by this study results.
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