Background: The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India, launched Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakaram (RBSK) in February 2013. The programme covers children between the age group of 0-18 year. The children below the age of 6 years are screened in Anganwadi Centers. Objectives: To assess the knowledge of Anganwadi workers about RBSK. Method: A cross-sectional study with telephonic interview method was used for data collection. Results: The AWWs reflected poor knowledge, as 97.8% of the AWWs didn’t know about the name of RBSK programme, 76.7% were unaware of the benefits of the project. The results indicated that timely information by AWWs to their beneficiaries about the visit of Mobile Health Team (MHT) increased the number of children for screening. Conclusion: The knowledge of AWWs was found deficient regarding RBSK programme and its working team. Regarding functioning: ¾th of AWCs were not informed on time thus percentage of screened & referred children was very low.
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