Literacy and Numeracy Measurement in the Driving School Program in the West Jakarta Area in Data-Based Planning

Harlinda Syofyan

Literacy and Numeracy Measurement in the Driving School Program in the West Jakarta Area in Data-Based Planning

Keywords : Measurement; Literacy; Numeracy; Driving School Program.


The Driving School must move to change the achievement of Literacy and Numeracy in a better direction in carrying out the Independent Curriculum. This study aims to determine the results of Literacy and Numeracy measurements in Education units in the West Jakarta area. Then plan follow-up activities that will be carried out to improve Literacy and Numeracy in each school. This research method uses qualitative approach and descriptive research method. Data collection techniques use questionnaire filling, interviews, observations, and literature studies. Qualitative data are analyzed using data reduction steps, data presentation, interpretation, and conclusion verification. The schools involved in this study consisted of 8 schools in the West Jakarta area involving principals, teachers, and school staff involved in the analysis and assessment of education report cards. The results showed that driving schools in West Jakarta had varying achievements in the measurement results of 4 (four) Literacy Indicators and 3 (three) indicators for numeracy. In the literacy aspect, the results showed 90% in the effective category, while in the numeracy aspect it was in the very affective category with 91% achievement. Internal school factors and environmental conditions influence the way these schools engage the entire school community in an effort to improve literacy and numeracy understanding and skills. The implications of these findings can contribute to the improvement of education at the primary school level and can be used as a reference for developing curriculum development strategies at the regional level.


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