Biological Hazar Risk Analysis and Management During Sars-Cov2. European Digital Green Certificate A Discussion

Alessandro Aveni

Biological Hazar Risk Analysis and Management During Sars-Cov2. European Digital Green Certificate A Discussion

Keywords : Green pass, biological hazard, Efficiency


The paper discusses the green pass innovation from the biological hazard risk management point of view comparing it to other political solutions and management of risk like lockdown. The result of the research and discussion point out the false use of this technology in order to manage and mitigate risk. The management of a biological hazard risk can use such technologies but it must be clear the efficiency and the effectiveness expected.The green pass seems more a organizational or marketing innovation that could be useful for some purpose but not to manage or mitigate risks as it was claim in some country. Stressing the technology and to constrain activities if and only if this technology is used, has been proved not to be efficient and effective. The discussion underline that use the green pass is a political trick or a gamble to show a proactivity.The use of green pass with these intention show lack of creative alternatives and cost benefit analysis as was done for lockdown. For those meanings and not because of freedom reduction, that is another and more ethic discussion, the mandatory use of green pass is not the correct form to plan or manage biological hazard risk.


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