Yoga and Health in The Siddha System of Medicine

Keywords : Siddha System, Ashtanga Yogam, good diet, Sattvic Food, Asanam-Yoga postures, Yoga effects


Globally, the Siddha tradition improves the concentration of the mind by organizing the five senses as in ‘Ashtanga Yogam’, branch into eight limbs, including Yogic posture stands as the third limb. Definition of Yoga is Union and the root word 'Yoga' means 'to unite'. Yoga methods cover the association of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual to the highest self-realization. Asanam is the main yogic posture for stabilizing the physical body. Perfect pose, Shoulder stand, Loin pose, Triangle pose, Easy cobra pose. A yogic diet emphasizes the development of air and the ether elements. Branches of the yogic path are Swara yoga, Agni yoga, Atchi yoga, Parianga yoga. Yoga postures and breathing techniques must be practiced minimum of 30 minutes per day, to prevent various metabolic and other diseases, and bring the state of equilibrium in balancing the three humors, the derangement of which is the main cause of several diseases.


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