Descriptive Study of Legal frameworks towards Third Gender in India with Criminal occurrence: A Literature Study

Vinayak R Nidasosi

Descriptive Study of Legal frameworks towards Third Gender in India with Criminal occurrence: A Literature Study

Keywords : Trans gender, Vulnerable, Laws and Rights.


Third gender it was western context and in India we calling them as a Hijiras/arvani’s or kinnar and some other terms we have used based on our regions, on this note Our Honorable Supreme court they ruled over these gender vulnerabilities, and this Trans gender is umbrella term under Third gender, these group of people they are more vulnerable and social exclusive than compared to other gender based groups as we called Cis gender in India, because of this reason these groups are facing more problems and more prone towards crimes. In India absence of proper laws and precautionary measures towards these groups except one or two specific laws. The crime rate against third gender is also increases day by day based on some official data. Due to all these factors, they are facing more problems and easily become victims by other gender groups with violation of their rights in India.


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