Are knowledge workers a source of competitive advantage?


Are knowledge workers a source of competitive advantage?

Keywords : Knowledge workers, competitive advantage, resource-based approach, skill-based approach, knowledge-based approach, intellectual capital approach, human capital approach


The competitive advantage for a company is that distinctive element which, in the long term, allows it to make a profit and stay ahead of its competitors. Whether it is of an operational nature, such as a competitive price, acceptable deadlines or a vast geographical territory, or of a strategic nature, such as a capacity for innovation, development and training of specific human capital that generates added value, competitive advantage remains one of the key vectors of strategic maneuvers. Strategic human resource management approaches that value the centrality of intangible resources are proliferating, including their holders, who in the age of the intangible are called knowledge workers. We outline the main contributions of the resource-based approach, the skills-based approach, the knowledge-based approach, the intellectual capital approach and finally the human capital approach, which emphasizes the role of knowledge workers in building a sustainable competitive advantage, which is not substitutable and difficult to imitate, and which gives the company a favorable competitive position in the market and provides it with a more or less long-term income.


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