Influence of Weight and Age on the Testicular Biometry of Native Goats in a Huambo Region of Angola

Justo dos Santos

Influence of Weight and Age on the Testicular Biometry of Native Goats in a Huambo Region of Angola

  • Author Justo dos Santos
  • Co-Author Elisa Delfino, Augusto dos Santos, Bartolomeu Delfino, Amélia Eyuba, Jorgina Casaco, Armindo Paixão, Max Vicente
  • DOI https://ww
Keywords : Native goats, scrotal circumference, testicular weight, scrotal length.


The aim of this study was to assess the influence of body weight and age on the testicular biometry of native goats in Huambo region of Angola. 45 male goats aged between 2 and 4 years and body weight between 20 and over 26 kg were studied and the testicular biometry measurements were scrotal circumference (SC), scrotal length (SL) and testicular weight (TWT). The goats had the following averages: 2 years and body weight of 16 kg, showed 7.7 cm of scrotal circumference, 4.21 cm of scrotal length and 62,11 g of testicular weight, 3 years and 19 kg of body weight showed 7.93 cm of scrotal circumference, 3.97 cm of scrotal length and 73.11 g of testicular weight, while goats of 4 years showed 8.54 cm of scrotal circumference, 4.60 cm of scrotal length and 85, 93 g of testicular weight. The study showed a correlation of 0.68 between body weight and scrotal circumference, 0.74 between body weight and testicular weight, and 0.64 between testicular weight and scrotal circumference. Considering that age and weight have a high influence on scrotal circumference and testicular weight.


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