Benefits of honey for human health and the environmental importance of bees

Flavia Maria Vasques Farinazzi-Machado

Benefits of honey for human health and the environmental importance of bees

Keywords : Therapeutic properties, Phenolic compounds, Antioxidants, Stingless bees, Pollination.


The aim of this study was to gather information about the beneficial effects of honey on human health and the importance of bees in environmental preservation. Through a descriptive exploratory study and research in full scientific articles, it was observed that honey has been used for thousands of years as food and for therapeutic purposes. Scientific studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects of using honey in experimental and human models, in view of its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, healing, antimicrobial and anticancer properties. Such effects are attributed to the expressive presence of phenolic and flavonoid compounds, whose concentrations are directly influenced by the origin of the flora, seasonal factors, and bee species, with the highest levels found in stingless honey bees. The environmental importance of bees is reflected in the ecosystem service performed by these insects as pollinating agents, since they are responsible for the production of food and livelihoods and have a significant role in linking wild ecosystems to agricultural production systems.


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