A Marca Pessoal Como Vantagem Competitiva No Mercado De Trabalho: Um Estudo Sobre a Realidade das Instituições De Ensino Superior Em Luanda

Keywords : Personal Branding, Personal Branding. Competitive Advantage, Professional Success.


Nowadays, the importance of developing a brand that becomes a reference in the market is increasingly recognized and can, therefore, be remembered, well-paid, sought after and desired, among other aspects, and it is in this aspect that Personal Marketing arises. as a tool to achieve professional success, taking into account image care. Therefore, the study aimed to analyze the importance of the personal brand, from the potential of Higher Education Institutions in Luanda, which aims to build the competitive advantage and professional success of individuals. In this sense, the study is part of an approach with a quantitative bias in analytical research with a comprehensive and descriptive nature based on documental and bibliographic analysis in the search for answers of a social reality about the personal brand as a competitive advantage. This time, based on the analysis of the results of the questionnaire developed with the employees of the Faculty of Social Service of the University of Luanda and of the Óscar Ribas University, it was realized that the personal brand is a determining factor in professional success. Therefore, it is important to emphasize that with the market in constant development and modification, the personal brand has become the great competitive differential of professionals who want to stand out and become a reference in the segment in which they operate.


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