Prevalence of Dry Eye Syndrome and its Relationship with Blood Sugar (HbA1C) Levels in the Elderly

Husnun Amalia

Prevalence of Dry Eye Syndrome and its Relationship with Blood Sugar (HbA1C) Levels in the Elderly

  • Author Husnun Amalia
  • Co-Author Anggraeni Adiwardhani, Ida Effendi, Nashita Amira Zaina, Farah Mufidah, Chikita Nur Mustika Rahmaditya, David Tjahyadi, Emad Yousif
  • DOI https://ww
Keywords : Dry Eye Syndrome, DES, Risk factors, HbA1C.


Dry eye syndrome (DES) is an eye disorder that occurs in the elderly and has a risk of decreased vision and interference with daily activities. Risk factors are age over 40 years, female sex and diabetes mellitus. Currently, the incidence of DES is very high in the elderly, and based on research, there is a relationship with diabetes mellitus. Hence, researchers are interested in research to assess the prevalence of DES, risk factors and its relationship with blood sugar levels (HbA1C). This study will determine the prevalence and risk factors that influence the incidence of DES and analyze the relationship between DES and HbA1C levels. The results of this study will likely be an effort to prevent the occurrence of dry eyes in people with risk factors. The study was carried out in a cross-sectional in three hospitals in Jakarta and Bekasi from March to April 2022. The study subjects consisted of 104 respondents with no history of Steven Johnson Syndrome (SSJ), Sjogren's Syndrome, or chronic disorders such as scars due to trauma to the conjunctiva or cornea, history of chemical burns and trauma to the eye area. Analysis was performed univariately and bivariate using the Chi-Square statistical test and Fisher's test with a significance value <0.05. The result is HbA1C levels did not show a significant relationship with DES (p=0,681). There was no significant relationship between DES risk factors, HbA1C levels and DES.


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