Impact of Plant Renewable Resources on Solving Unemployment in Central District of Unguja

Mohamed Ali Mohamed

Impact of Plant Renewable Resources on Solving Unemployment in Central District of Unguja

Keywords : Plants, Renewable Resources and Unemployment.


This study focused on assessment of the impact of plant renewable resources in solving unemployment problem in Central District of Unguja. The study was based on the following specific objectives; to examine how timber harvesting business helps to solve unemployment in Central District of Unguja, to analyse how food plants are of importance in solving unemployment in the Central District of Unguja, to determine how scrub or grass plants help to solve unemployment in Central District of Unguja and to assess how energy helps to solve unemployment in Central District of Unguja.
The study was conducted using descriptive research design. Questionnaire was used in collecting the data from the respondents. The findings showed that 237 respondents equal to (61.1%) agreed that people are using plant renewable resources as a source of self-employment. 344 respondents equal to (88.7%) agreed that people are engaging in the timber harvesting and roof beams. 244 respondents equal to (62.9%) agreed that people do not understand which activity provides more benefits between plant resource harvesting and other works. 199 respondents equal to (51.3%) agreed that people are not aware if plant harvesting takes place during the day and night and simply 309 responded equal to (79.6%) agreed that the minimum price of roof beams or piece of timber is more than 5000 Tanzania Shillings.
The study recommended that regulations must be strictly observed in order to preserve the forestry environment and natural resources in general. There must be a regulation to follow in order to conserve the natural resources. Education must be provided to the people engaging in the plant harvesting business. The responsible authorities must ensure that forest collections are being monitored well and collected properly. There must be an authority which is directly specified in ensuring that the forest products have fixed prices.


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