Non-Operative Rehabiliation for Patellar Instability: A Litrature Review

Pathak Anupama

Non-Operative Rehabiliation for Patellar Instability: A Litrature Review

Keywords : patellar instability, non-operative rehabilitation, physical therapy, Literature review.


Background: patellar instability is a common orthopaedic condition that can significantly impact an individual`s quality of life and athletic performance. This literature review aimed to assess the effectiveness of non-operative rehabilitation in managing patellar instability. Non-operative rehabilitation including physical therapy aim to address the underlying musculoskeletal factors contributing to patellar instability. These treatment approaches typically involve exercises designed to strengthen the quadriceps, hamstrings and hip muscles and other methods like taping to enhance dynamic knee stability.
Methodology: A search was conducted across reputable database including PubMed, Goole Scholar and Cochrane. The inclusion rquirements were articles published in last twenty years, from 2003 to 2023 and with entire English text. Articles prior to 2003 as well as those with an inaccurate abstract were excluded.
Result: the literature review revealed that non-operative rehabilitation approaches can give positive result in patellar instability.
Conclusion: Non-operative rehabilitation may offer positive outcomes in addressing patellar instability. Consequently, further large-scale studies are warrented to establish more robust evidence and guide clinicians in formulating evidence-based treatment protocols.


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