Indian Ngos in Development: A Review

Usha Rajesh

Indian Ngos in Development: A Review

Keywords : Civil society; Foreign aid; NGOs; Rural development; Welfare.


In Indian too, though earlier NGOs were more concerned only on social welfare activities on charity basis, in the recent years their role in economic development is more significant. Hence, it is essential to make a note of such transformation and to evolve an appropriate partnership model wherein government, private and civil society takes their role in both rural and urban development. With this background, this paper attempts to analyse the transformation of NGO sector in India and the nature of their involvement in both rural and urban development.

The main aim of this paper is to analyse the changing role NGOs in Economic development and to explore the transitions of NGOs in India in terms of their organisational structure, functions and resource base. Following the evaluation of historical evolution of voluntary sector in India, a brief case study to illustrate the trends of change is also carried out.]


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