Behind the Microphone: Exploring the Role of Technical Jargon in Sports Commentary

Debraj Nath

Behind the Microphone: Exploring the Role of Technical Jargon in Sports Commentary

Keywords : Sports commentary, Media convergence, Audience comprehension, Media coverage, Broadcasting


The impact of specialized athletic phrasing during televised sporting contests on viewer comprehension, participation, and overall experience is explored. Qualitative methods like interviews, content analysis, and audience surveys were utilized to examine how expert terminology influences spectator understanding and involvement with sports media. Findings indicate that specialized jargon fosters belonging among fans and heightens the emotional atmosphere, contributing to the widespread sharing of athletic discussions on a global scale. This examination underscores the importance of professional phrasing in shaping how audiences interact with and make sense of sports communications. It addresses matters in sports announcing, like linguistic nimbleness and staying objective, while highlighting strategies for effective transmission of information, like clear descriptions supplemented with visual aids, cultural awareness, and innovative uses of emerging technologies. Ultimately, the research emphasizes the pivotal role of skilled sports broadcasters in crafting compelling and all-inclusive narratives that resonate with diverse fanbases worldwide.


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