The Legal Construction of the Authority of the Indonesian National Police and the National Narcotics Agency in the Investigation of Narcotics Crimes in Indonesia


The Legal Construction of the Authority of the Indonesian National Police and the National Narcotics Agency in the Investigation of Narcotics Crimes in Indonesia

Keywords : Authorization, Construction, Investigation


The authority to investigate narcotics crimes is regulated in Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics, namely Article 81 of the Law. The investigation authority is given to the Indonesian National Police and the National Narcotics Agency. This division of investigative authority has resulted in overlapping and multiple interpretations of Article 81 of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics. This study aims to analyze the authority of the Indonesian National Police and the National Narcotics Agency in investigating narcotics crimes. It is based on normative research using statute approach, historical approach, conceptual approach, and political approach. The findings showed that the regulation of the authority to investigate narcotics crimes must be clarified and limited, hence in the practice of law enforcement there will be no clash of authority between the Indonesian National Police and the National Narcotics Agency. Additionally, law enforcement agencies in carrying out their duties run effectively and in accordance with the criminal justice system.


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