Assessment of the Integrated Teacher Education Program (ITEP) in Enhancing Students’ Proficiency: An Attempt to Envisage the Effectiveness of the Initiative

Amita Kumari

Assessment of the Integrated Teacher Education Program (ITEP) in Enhancing Students’ Proficiency: An Attempt to Envisage the Effectiveness of the Initiative

Keywords : ITEP, PSDM behavior, critical thinking, conceptualization.


The purpose of the Integrated Teacher Education Program (ITEP) is to improve the teaching-learning environment and contribute to social reform by producing dedicated citizens. As teacher educators play a crucial role in social reconstruction, it is essential to develop problem-solving skills in them. The study focused on assessing seven competencies: critical thinking, data gathering and processing, selecting tools, lateral conceptualization, weighing alternatives, risk assessment, perception and judgment, related to problem-solving and decision-making ability (PSDM) in 200 students (100 male and 100 female) enrolled in ITEP program in the Jharkhand state, a tribal populated area, India. The study used ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) to analyze the data. The results showed that the mean diversity within the group was relatively low (reading of 0.50), indicating minimal variation in competencies among individuals within the same group. However, the reading between groups is higher (3.60), suggesting a more significant difference in competencies between male and female students. Furthermore, the p-value of male students was greater than the alpha (α) level, indicating that the null hypothesis (HO) was accepted. The effect size η2 was found to be 0.01, which means that the group (gender) explained only 1% of the variance in the average scores. The small effect size indicates that gender has a minimal impact on the student’s overall PSDM behavior. The findings of the study may contribute to the ongoing efforts to enhance learning methodologies and promote effective problem-solving and decision-making skills in both educational and real-world context contexts.


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