“A Case Series: To Evaluate the Varnya (Skin Tone Lightening) Efficacy of Raktchandanadi Lepa on Vyanga”


“A Case Series: To Evaluate the Varnya (Skin Tone Lightening) Efficacy of Raktchandanadi Lepa on Vyanga”

Keywords : Vyanga, Facial melanosis, Skin, Raktchandanadi lepa


Facial melanosis is a common condition affecting the texture and complexion of the skin, which is the largest organ in the human body. In a competitive society, appearance and charisma are increasingly important, and everyone aspires to stand out from the crowd. Ayurvedic dravyas have been developed to address the causation and therapy of this condition, rather than treating it symptomatically. The primary sign of Vyanga, a skin disease, is a change in facial color (Vaivarnyata), with the presence of Shyava varna, Nirujam, and Tanu Mandala on the face. Contemporary science suggests that Vyanga symptoms resemble facial melanosis. A study of 5 patients with skin problems, including Vyanga, found that patients treated with Raktchandanadi lepa and Pathyapathya were more effective in treating the condition.


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