Social Justice and Vulnerability of The Education Sector in Nigeria: Implications for National Security and Development

Morrison Umor Iwele

Social Justice and Vulnerability of The Education Sector in Nigeria: Implications for National Security and Development

Keywords : Inequality, insecurity, national development, social justice, and vulnerability of the education sector.


This study examined the intersection of social justice, Nigeria's education sector's vulnerability, and the consequential impacts on national security and development. The study adopted the descriptive survey design. Three research questions. The population of the study comprised all secondary school teachers in Delta State with a sample size of 600 teachers selected from 30 public secondary schools from the three senatorial districts of Delta State. 10 schools and 20 teachers, including the principals, were selected from each of the senatorial districts. The multistage sampling technique was used for the sample selection process. The instrument for data collection was a self-structured questionnaire with a 34-item, four-point rating scale validated by two experts and trial-tested to establish reliability. An internal consistency of 0.82 was attained. 600 copies of the instrument were administered, and 573(96%) copies were retrieved and used for data analysis. Descriptive statistics of mean scores and standard deviation were used for the data analysis. Findings from the study revealed among others that Nigeria's education system is bedeviled with insecurity due to endemic injustice which manifests in inequality in access to quality education, disparity in accessing admission to read choice careers due hike in school fees to the detriment of the masses making the education system vulnerable and culminating in risk of youth radicalization and involvement in criminal activities which results in insecurity and underdevelopment of the nation. It was recommended among other points that education should be subsidized so that the lowly can afford quality education and skills development and that the Delta State government should make policies that prioritize equitable resource allocation across rural and urban schools and develop a system to monitor and enforce educational policies uniformly across regions to prevent regional disparities.


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