Let Us Build a Smart Door Using DC Motor, Driver Module (Cytron MDD10A) And Arduino Mega 2560
- Author Sudip Chakraborty
- Co-Author Deep Chakraborty
- DOI https://ww
- Country : India
- Subject : Computer Science and Information Sciences
Automated door systems have gained significant attention due to the increasing demand for smart home security solutions. This paper presents the design and implementation of an innovative door system using an Arduino Mega 2560, a DC motor, and a Cytron MDD10A motor driver. The proposed system integrates Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) control for efficient motor operation and enables secure access control using IoT-based automation. The Arduino microcontroller is the core processing unit that manages the motor. The Cytron MDD10A motor driver facilitates smooth and precise bidirectional movement of the DC motor, ensuring reliable door operation. The complete project source code is available for download and further development.
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