Fabrication Of Inter Crop Weeder
- Author Thangaraj.M
- Co-Author Sugi.R, Vishal.SVM
- Country : India
- Subject : Mechanical Engineering
To manufacture the weeding machine and furthermore to overcome the disappointments in the development of the machine which are looked by the weeding machine which are utilized normally.The weeder is utilized for cutting the undesirable bushes and grasses which would influence the development of the reaping crops. On the off chance that the bushes and grasses are become close to the yields then that will use/retain the supplements in the dirt so this would make the harvests to get lacking supplements and accordingly the quality and the creation rate decreases.There are now bunches of weeding machine yet they are huge thus they couldn't be utilized for a few fields like sugarcane, banana, and so on…. so our venture will be a small(mini) one with the goal that it could be utilized as a part of any fileds.
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