Distributed Hash Table based Routing for P2P Data sharing in MANETs

Jaspreet Kaur

Distributed Hash Table based Routing for P2P Data sharing in MANETs

Keywords : DHT,P2P,OLSR,AODV


Peer to peer network is a distributed, robust and fault tolerant network for sharing resources such as files, CPU, memory etc. in P2P networks, peers organize themselves in a decentralized way. Thus, a link between two logically linked peers in the overlay network may spans multi hops in the physical network. In P2P network, a peer acts as both a server that provides or shares its content with other user/peer; and a client, that accesses the content from other users/peers. To access a content/data item, the requesting peer invokes the lookup phase to locate the source peer that provides the required data item. In current research three parameters are used these parameters are like end to end delay, success rate, throughput. These performance parameters will helps in identify the performance of the flood free routing protocol compared to the flood based routing protocol. There is less end to end delay for current flood free protocol compared to the previous flood based routing protocol. Also has better success rate and better throughput. There is a improvement of around improvement of 30% in case of throughput and success rate. End to end delay also has shown the improvement of around 22%. For AODV and OLSR. To design a secure routing protocol, it can have different aspects, like a security mechanism (e.g., encryption/decryption algorithms, digital signature, etc.), security services (e.g. authentication, confidentiality) and attacks (the act that can evade a security service).


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