Modelling of Herschel-Bulkley fluid flow across an Aneurysm Arteries

Mohammed Musad Saleh

Modelling of Herschel-Bulkley fluid flow across an Aneurysm Arteries

Keywords : Herschel-Bulkley, pressure drop, Aneurysm and viscosity


In this paper, the velocity, viscosity and the flow rate of blood have been used to model the pressure drop across an aneurysm artery. The artery under consideration for the development of model is cylindrical with an axially symmetric aneurysm and the blood flow through in is couple of two layers. The results show that the size of aneurysm has an inversely proportion relation with the pressure drop. It is also observed that this model can be used to estimate pressure drop and viscosities of couple fluid flow of two layers, but in case of single flow could not.


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