Severe Neonatal Anemia Due to Feto-maternal Hemorrhage, The Lowest Cord Hemoglobin Values Probably Ever Reported in the Neonatal Literature. Case report

Ahmed J. Al Farsi

Severe Neonatal Anemia Due to Feto-maternal Hemorrhage, The Lowest Cord Hemoglobin Values Probably Ever Reported in the Neonatal Literature. Case report

Keywords : Kleihauer–Betke test; neonatal anemia; fetomaternal hemorrhage; reduced fetal movements.


Feto-maternal hemorrhage (FMH) is a transfusion of fetal blood into mother circulation resulting in anemia in the newborn. The rate of massive FMH (a volume of 80-150 mL) is about 1: 5,000 births. (1) Symptoms of FMH are nonspecific, and mostly it presented as reduced fetal movements and changes in cardiotocography (CTG). Kleihaurer-Betke test is the standard for FMH diagnosis. In this article we are presenting a late preterm noanate with severely low Hemoglobin 1.6 g/dl at birth, attributed to FMH. As per the best knowledge of the team, this could be the lowest cord hemoglobin values probably ever reported in the neonatal literature


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