An Experimental approach to evaluate the effectiveness of STM (Structured Teaching Module) on care taker of patient suffering from CMD regarding home care management

Dr. Neetu Bhadouria

An Experimental approach to evaluate the effectiveness of STM (Structured Teaching Module) on care taker of patient suffering from CMD regarding home care management

Keywords : Assess, Effectiveness, Chronic mental disorders (CMD), Structured Teaching Module (STM), Home care management, Family member.


A psychological or behavioral pattern that manifests in an individual and is connected to discomfort or incapacity but is not part of normal development or culture is known as a mental disorder or mental disease An Experimental approach to evaluate the effectiveness of STM (Structured Teaching Module) on care taker of patient suffering from CMD regarding home care management. The main objectives were to: (1) Evaluate Care Takers' knowledge of home care management of patients with CMD before and after STM implementation; (2) Compare Care Takers' knowledge scores on home care management of patients with CMD with their demographic variables; and (3) Evaluate Care Takers' knowledge of home care management of patients with CMD before and after pre- and post-testing. (4) To determine the correlation between Care Takers' post-test knowledge scores on the management of patients with CMD's at-home care. A method of experimental research was used in the study. The study was carried out in a mental institution with a sample of 50 patients who had CMD based on Care Takers' knowledge. A structured interview schedule with multiple choice questions and STM was created and carried out there. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse and interpret the data that was obtained. Based on the results of the current study, it can be stated that STM was successful in increasing Care Takers' understanding of home care management for patients with CMD.


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