September 2020

World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development

Sr. No.
Title and Authors Name


Development of Personality and Coaching Style Plan Through Conditional Approach of selected Deans and Program Chair of Arellano University-Malabon Campus

Herbert D. Vertucio
Country : Philippines
Subject : Philosophy

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इतिहास के संदर्भ में सामाजिक गतिशीलता की प्रकृति

जुगनू आरा
Country : India
Subject : इतिहास

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Municipal Solid Waste Management Practices and Impact on the Environment in Nasarawa Local Government Area, Kano State.

David O. Balogun
Country : Nigeria
Subject : Bioresources

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COVID-19 Case Complicated By Massive Embolism

Guliko Kiliptari
Country : Georgia
Subject : Critical Care

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Students’ Attitude, Self-Efficacy and Motivation towards Mathematics Performance

Windaline V. Paguican, MA
Country : Philippines
Subject : Education

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कोविड-19 वैश्विक महामारी के संदर्भ में केन्द्र-राज्य संबंधों का एक विशलेषणात्मक अध्ययन

डॉ. चन्द्रदीप नन्दलाल यादव
Country : India
Subject : राजनीति विज्ञान

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